Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Final Project: Classroom Ning for Unit on Adaptations

In review of all the work done this semester, I could not find any one particular media or medium to study. Rather, I wanted to challenge myself by creating my first unit that I might use in a classroom that studied media, film, TV, books, etc. After reviewing my interested, I thought I might try and design a unit that would teach the form of the Adaptation, the different types it takes, the messages found within them, how they show rhetorically, and other juicy tidbits. It is all found on the Ning site posted below. If you want access, just respond with an email and I will get you an invite. Using Prezi, Powerpoint, Voicethread, and lots of videos from You Tube, I endeavored to create a project that is both inclusive to use by any teacher's standards and understandable to present to a classroom too. That said, it is mostly presented in a point of view of actually teaching the class.

While in creation of this unit, I found myself often stuck and thinking often before writing. I really wanted to feel the gravity of this information being taught to a student. Most of this information is based of personal observation and lectures given by pass teachers and professors. So most of this comes from original thought which may or may not overlap with other people's thoughts. Creating this lesson plan independently from other secondary sources was very important to me. I wanted a part of me to be in this unit. Not everyone may agree with some of my ideas, but I hope they come to understand that it is a fully developed thought.

Further adieus and drum rolling as side, the following link goes to my Ning site. Enjoy!

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